Issue 32, May 2023


Zach Savich, “A Question of Months” and “Regarding the Feeling of ‘Having Come through Some Things’

John Emil Vincent, “It’s good we’re characters in a highly implausible children’s book or we’d be goners” 

Carolyn Oliver, “Annunciation” and “The Archaeoetymologist Recovers Bliss from the Riverbed” 

Ernest Hilbert, “Fantasia on Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time” and “I CAN READ! LEVEL 1

Farnoosh Fathi, “The Opies (Just Married),” “The Silhouettist” and “from ‘Twenty Collars‘”

Cyrus Cassells, “It’s Your Favorite Foreign Movie” and “Theater of Swans and Mysteries

Joshua Marie Wilkinson, “Ghosts & Empty Sockets” and “Take No Care for Your Dignity

John Hennessy, “Domestic Retrograde” and “Lisbon / Transient Global Amnesia

Geoff Bouvier, “120,000 Years Ago: Music” and “42,000 Years Ago: Mathematics

Brian Russell, “California,”  “No Longer,” and “Wild Dogs Among the Ruins

Max Heinegg, “God’s Plan” and “Dancing in the Gardens of Stone

Chris Stroffolino, from “Marbles Falling Out of Maracas in Love

Pablo Otavalo, “Leave a Light On” and “The Master Bedroom” 

Benjamin Gantcher, “A Very High Fence” and “What’s Bad

Wyn Cooper, “The Blue Skins of Balloons” and “Scarified

Matthew Lippman, “Instagram” and “Sincerity is Scary

Eileen G’Sell, “Nouvelles Années” and “Facts are Facts

George Franklin, “The Protagonist” and “The Memoirist” 

Jess Rizkallah, “sad girl saturn return” and “fire poem

Christopher Munde, “Ambiguous Loss” and “Urbex

Juan Pablo Mobili, “Abanderado” and “Casting

JJ Starr, “13 Months” and “The Feeling Again” 

Bruce Bond, “Lunette 17” and “Lunette 20

Ximena Gómez, “Is That You, Father?

Jefferson Navicky, “Practice Player

Tiffany Troy, “Train” and “Plus Ultra” 

Emily Tristan Jones, “Pantocrator

Audrey Spuzzillo, “Rinse Away

Angel James, “Uterus Revolt

Annie Goold, “Synthetic Girl

Michael Goodfellow, “Analog

Fariha Tayyab, “The Naqba


Tiffany Troy, “Over time, the most foreign of sounds can feel natural in the mouth: A Conversation with Valerie Hsiung about To Love an Artist

Chris Stroffolino, “Intersections of Style and Intentionality: Retconning the Harsh Realm of the 1990s with Daniel Nester” 

Visual art: Tamsyn Kuehnert

The Bottom of a Lake

A Food Source

Snake and Bird

Fish and Bird

Tiger and Ball