Issue 30, September 2021


Anthony Madrid on Glyph: Graphic Poetry = Trans. Sensory by Naoko Fujimoto


Benjamin Paloff,  “Adapter” and “Imperial Burlesque

Katie Kemple, “SUBJECT: The little something extra report,” “SUBJECT: How to expire–now in paperback!,” and “SUBJECT: What is a word for complete?

Peter Leight, “Self-Portrait as a Suspicious Person with Soft Lips” and “Self-Portrait As a Person Who Needs to Hurry Up

Charlie Clark, “The US Army wants to create biodegradable bullets that plant flowers where they fall” 

David Wojciechowski, “Another Small Apocalypse” and “Grief

Kenton K. Yee, “Corporate Life” and “Plastic Rose

Katherine Fallon, “Addressing the Pituitary Growth

Jen Karetnick, “Kapok Tree” and “Ritual

Connor Fisher, “Hagiography

Martin Rock, “The Lake is Frozen the Air is Death” and “Discomfort is the Shadow of Revolution

J.R. Forman, “Casting Pearls

Patricia Connolly, “wormhole,” “Winter Fawn,” and “the seventh face

Joshua Zelesnick, “[a cloud that follows us]

David Southward, “Whiteout

Emma Train, “The News (For Lack of What is Found There)“, “Wettest on Record,” and “Hymn

Patrick Redmond, “Splendid

Edward Salem, “Belly Dancer

Aimee Wright Clow, “On the Map of the Neighborhood” and “The Mandarins

Éric Morales-Franceschini, “Antimetabole” and “Speculative Fictions

Hunter Gagnon, “Quarantine poem #101 “above all we taught preemptive violence of the mind against itself” and “Quarantine poem #98 the executioner builds his weapon for 1 year on sacred days alone, and covets his hounds

Cameron Anderson, “Psych Ward

Kayla Geitzler,” The Spiders

Jessica Lawson, “background

Austin Veldman, “Fermi’s Enigma” 

Laura Eve Engel, “We Do Not Expect Any Interruption Of Your Service

Visual Art:

Naoko Fujimoto, three images